Sunday, October 6, 2013

Learn a Lesson from the Kite

This morning I told six children who were in the blended service of St. Mark's United Methodist Church the lesson the kite teaches us. It goes like this:

When You are facing the force of the wind and the pressure that comes against you in life, you are O.K. as long as the connection you have with God, the One in control, is strong and steady. Indeed, the pressure you face may be the very power of the Holy Spirit. The interesting thing about the workings of a kite is the stronger the force against it, the higher it flies.

I tried to reinforce the idea to the kids that they could handle hard things in life as long as their connection to God was strong and secure. I didn't have time to explain to them that their attitude, just like the kite's, was also important. The angle which the wind hits the kite is called "the angle of attack."  The angle must be balanced between too steep and too shallow to get the optimum performance.

Our attitude like the kite's makes a lot of difference in how we get along in life. Together with strong and secure connection to God, we have to maintain a good attitude. Our angle of attack has to observe the correct balance to keep us cheerful, optimistic, and honest.  And we must always pay attention to our connection with the One in control.

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