Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Best is Yet to Come

Somebody said to me, "I'm getting better as I get older." Hallelujah! I'm in good company. I believe that. I want to make it a new battle cry. Commercials and nationwide advertising looks at the older generation as past the prime of life and less than modern or current. Style and fashion certainly dismisses older as worse, old hat, decrepit, and senile. Most of us don't do the Charleston anymore, heck even the young people don't do the Charleston. My generation did the Jitterbug, and that is now retired to the archives too. I don't even know what the new get-down dance is, line dancing, maybe. All this is for the young, agile, and athletic. The body does limit the physical activity, and much as I proclaim my mental activity to be still vibrant and insightful, my body is yielding to old age.

I walk slower and get tired quicker than I used to. I find slow walking gives me a chance to view the vegetation and watch the birds. I hear people say all the time, "Stop and smell the roses." Going slower means I can reflect on things with greater attention. I kinda like it.

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