Quadratflachdrachen fuer Windgenerator mit aeroelastischen Fluegeln (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Getting old is more fun if you think of it as an adventure. I am old by all the criteria commonly accepted. My age, my eyesight, my mental capacity, and, certainly, my children mark me as old. I remember things that happened in a previous century and think of them as still relevant. Now my granchildren are studying them in history class.
Two dual line stunt kites flying in a formation (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
So I am impressed to learn new stuff to keep my standing as still active and vital. But guess what? Some things that are old are new to the grandchildren. I make kites and show the kids how make them too. The ones I usually teach them to make are small and cheap. They are environmentally safe, and they don't require batteries. They get the kids out in the fresh air and give them an active afternoon. They are examples of high level scientific principles of wind action and air movement. That's pretty good stuff!
A train of little kites at the Bedford International Kite Festival, 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
It helps to learn the new stuff like new designs in kite building and new materials. I use one or two sheets of typing paper or tissue paper for making kites. If I buy them, they are usually made from rip-stop nylon with plastic spars and spines.. The fabric ones are more durable while the homemade ones will usually last only one season, or maybe one flight. The thrill when you see the kite rise on the wind is the same whether you made it or bought it. To see the grace of the tail as the wings catch the wind takes you heart to heights you can't imagine.
What old skill do you have you would like to share with a kid? Get out there and get excited about getting old!
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