The reputation of old people is squarely set in the fixed position: They are viewed as unchangeable and intolerant of innovation.
But wait a minute! Let's take another look at that. First let's see if they are right. In that case they don't need to be tolerant of the wrong method or the inappropriate approach. Sometimes old people are determined to do things their way because they have found that their way works best.
Next, you may find people who are intolerant without foundation for their beliefs. In that case, you may be successful in testing a theory or approach. Most people who are able to think with a clear mind will change if they find a better way to accomplish their goal. If they are just holding on to an outmoded method for the sake of stubbornness, let it be. You can't fix stupid.
The last group of old people I want to talk about are the ones who constantly seek new ways to operate, new goals to achieve, and new people to learn from. Gene Cohen in his book The Mature Mind points out that the human brain never stops learning. Old people are included in that statement. Our brain continues to learn as long as we live. It is also true that we need to stimulate our minds and actively find new material to learn and new ideas to entertain.
If you are old and you want to stay young, I can't help you. If you are old and you want to continue to be thrilled, you need to learn something new or go somewhere you've never been or read something you have never seen. Make it something difficult. The brain responds to difficult problems with creative and intuitive answers. Give it a shot. You may surprise yourself.
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