Getting older doesn't mean I've lost interest in things I did when I was young. I see lots of ads directed at older people that convince me I'm not lining up with the rest of my generation, or, maybe, the advertising world doesn't know us as well as they thought.
I do enjoy things that belong to a younger stage of life. I love to fly kites. Sometimes I even like to make them. I like to try new designs and teach others to enjoy them, too. My life-long fear of mathematics even yielded to getting older. I found and used the formula that lets me figure out how strong a wind a specific kite requires.
The one thing I cook with some expertise is bread. My love of bread comes from my childhood. I loved the aroma of bread baking. I started baking bread when I was first married. Sometime along the way, I started looking for different recipes and interesting shapes. Now I like to look for shapes and ingredients that have special cultural or regional meaning. Kolache from Poland and other Eastern European countries and Pan de Muerto from Mexico, and Challah from Israel.
My behavior in regard to getting older reveals neither an abandonment of interests from a younger age nor weariness with the subject matter. I do still like to interact with kites and bread, but always with deeper and more interesting parameters. I do sometimes take up a new subject: A couple of years ago, I made a necklace , but I decided that bead work was not my best thing. I'm not much on playing Bridge or Forty Two. And contrary to the opinion of advertisers on TV, I don't look at match-making by on-line businesses as the answer to loneliness in my old age. It seems much more likely that the businesses are interested in making money, not making love.
If you are getting older, find the interests that move and thrill you. Explore them in detail and find the excitement you crave. Your old age can be as challenging or rewarding as you choose.
I do enjoy things that belong to a younger stage of life. I love to fly kites. Sometimes I even like to make them. I like to try new designs and teach others to enjoy them, too. My life-long fear of mathematics even yielded to getting older. I found and used the formula that lets me figure out how strong a wind a specific kite requires.
The one thing I cook with some expertise is bread. My love of bread comes from my childhood. I loved the aroma of bread baking. I started baking bread when I was first married. Sometime along the way, I started looking for different recipes and interesting shapes. Now I like to look for shapes and ingredients that have special cultural or regional meaning. Kolache from Poland and other Eastern European countries and Pan de Muerto from Mexico, and Challah from Israel.
My behavior in regard to getting older reveals neither an abandonment of interests from a younger age nor weariness with the subject matter. I do still like to interact with kites and bread, but always with deeper and more interesting parameters. I do sometimes take up a new subject: A couple of years ago, I made a necklace , but I decided that bead work was not my best thing. I'm not much on playing Bridge or Forty Two. And contrary to the opinion of advertisers on TV, I don't look at match-making by on-line businesses as the answer to loneliness in my old age. It seems much more likely that the businesses are interested in making money, not making love.
If you are getting older, find the interests that move and thrill you. Explore them in detail and find the excitement you crave. Your old age can be as challenging or rewarding as you choose.
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