Thursday, August 9, 2012

On High Expectations!

I recently brought to the attention of my doctor that I have some pretty severe pain in my neck.  He dutifully ordered an X-Ray, and then a MRI.  Those procedures confirmed that I have pain because I have lost carlilage in my neck Two of the discs have fused which results in a stiff neck.

I have dealt with this for many years,  dismissing it as a crick or I slept on it wrong. The doctor assured me that it was not a recent occurance. I did raise 6 kids.  I canned a garden every summer when Frank was gardening. When the kids were little I, did a lot of sewing, and Frank liked for me to make western shirts.  I was stupid to let him know that I could do it.

Then, I read and studied a lot completing my Master's Degree when I was 50. When I think about the strain and demand on my neck, I remember, too, that my neck has spent significant hours in prayer.  In the Old Testament, God refers to Israel as a "stiff-necked" people. All this bending and twisting of my neck have brought skills and experience that have blessed my life. It seems sad that I had to pay this price. On the other hand, maybe that is the cure for  Israel's /stiff neck.

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